Monday, 13 June 2011

Found trying to keep it

Okay, so I realise that not being able to find my own blog is probably a sign that I need to do way more of it. Looking for it is probably a sign that I want to do more of it. So how can I keep going with it?

I am making a resolution with myself to keep it going. So there, you heard it first! (at this point I know I am pretty much talking to myself, and maybe a couple others, but hey.)

So many days I wonder away the hours, about what I could write about, or mainly what pictures I can put on as a record of some of the little bits of magic. So here we go, a few more....

Off to see the crew for tea now (minus one member who I am sending lots of get well wishes too :-D). Beautiful people that they are.

Back soon (yes, really!)


The latest from the village phone box. Looks a bit like mini-ghost people Maypole dancing - bit spooky, no?

My little walk round the secret allotments (I like to pretend they are secret, anyway) revealed a plot full of amazing cherry-red poppies, with one huge bright-pinky one sticking out of the crowd, looking papery fragile but different and bold at the same time. I like it.

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