Saturday, 25 June 2011

Sewing & Glastonbury

This morning I woke up and instead of getting all worried and anxious about the day ahead, I had a moment of calm and managed to head straight to my room to set up for a morning of sewing. Sounds a bit twee but really, I am a bit twee. Twee and proud. I got myself all set up with a nice cup of coffee & glastonbury on the radio (it seems so vivid hearing it now since being there last year), chuckling to myself as I go to Adam & Joe's sillyness.

We're off to a lovely wedding later, and I've been planning on altering a pretty vintage Laura Ashley dress passed down to me from my mother-in-law to wear. Now, the way I make that sound is as if I am some sort of established dress-makery wizard, but BELIEVE me that is not the case, but for the first time ever I am getting over my fear of having a go....and having a go. How good does that feel?

So here are a few pics. It's definitely not perfect, might be a bit wonky....but I simply chopped a big section off the bottom to shorten it, hemmed it and then used the off-cut to make a ribbon-y bow tie around the waist. I think it will look really nice with a cherry red clutch bag the gorgeous Nik gave me. I hope you like it. So long for now xx

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